It has been almost 100 days since President Barack Obama first took office as President on January 20, 2009. Since then, the stock market has taken dips and dive. It is unfortunate that nearly all of the shifts, both upward and downward, have been incited by the actions of our federal government. The government decided who is “too big to fail” and who will die. The government can handpick the CEOs of once-great corporations. At a whim, the president can ask the CEO of GM to step down. The government can choose to breach the contracts of AIG employees and tax 90 percent of their bonuses. This is not the government of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Reagan anymore. This is not a government of the people, by the people, or for the people. This government is of Pelosi by Frank, for Reid: all individuals that would rather line their pockets and expand their power than protect the hard-working people they represent. During this undoubtedly transformational period in our nation’s history, one where our capitalistic foundations are being replaced with socialism, the president of the United States has certainly made his choice between the people and the government.
Since taking office, Obama’s new spending has already raised our projected debt down the road. Economists at the heritage foundation calculate that the actions of Obama so far have caused an increase in ten trillion to the debt. As John McCain puts it, this money is being taken from our own children and grandchildren in what is referred to as “generational theft”.
Luckily, many in America have begun to wake up. On April 15th, hundreds of tea parties were held around the country, attracting hundreds of thousands to protest the scope and scale of the national government. It is a good thing that America is not as naive as Nancy Pelosi. We know what increases after the government signs spending bill after spending bill. A hint for Mrs. Pelosi: it starts with a T.
I love your take on the situation with Obama. I agree with you on some parts but I think with some more time, things will improve. I realize that we may be in debt now but things will soon change and turn in the right direction. You have very nice quotes from McCain. I agree with your points.
ReplyDeleteTotally in agreement here. Just the other day i was reading an article on Obama's approval rating and found that it has in fact been declining.
ReplyDeleteI especially agree with "are being replaced with socialism,". This society is Socialist. The government is beginning to control the economy. I need to go to my happy place now.
I agree with you that Obama should not pick and choose which companies should fail or not fail. Companies make bad decisions and should be punished for the choices they make. Having to do with bthe tea parties, it is nice that some people are waking up and trying to change the wasting goin on to help better tomorrow's economy, but I still do not think many people fully understand what is happening mainly because of the main stream media backing up Obama.
ReplyDeletei agree that people have the right to be unhappy with their government, however, it is not okay to call Obama an evil socialist. The Tea parties had people depicting Obama as an evil person or socialist Hitler. The Bush administration started the "socialist" policies by bailing out companies left and right. Socialism isn't necassarily a bad thing, if it is regulated and in small amounts.
ReplyDeleteI sometime think that I have no idea what Barka Obama is doing. Right now, America is in such debt that we need to get out of it as soon as possible. But Barak Obama is spending our money on something that we never thought of, education and research. I also agree with what John McCain said that it is "generation theft." When I get old and I have paid all my taxes and I retire, I am afriad that there will be no more money that I have put all those years!
ReplyDeleteRight now, the economic situation is very bad, therefore, people should understand that it will take a very long time before the economy is as good as it used to be. If companies fail, then they should fail. I agree with the fact that all the money is basically being taken from our generation. But, the government is trying to spend money in order to boost the economy. Although it has a long way to go, hopefully we will one day gain back what we lost.